Stars des Weekend of Horrors

Triff Deine Horror Stars auf dem Weekend of Horrors in Köln!

Holt Euch Autogramme, macht gemeinsame Fotos und stellt Fragen zu denen Ihr schon immer die Antwort hören wolltet – und das alles hautnah!

Folgende Stars kommen 2025 für Euch zum Weekend of Horrors nach Deutschland und werden Samstag und Sonntag mit dabei sein:

Weekend of Horrors - Michael Ironside
Weekend of Horrors - Michael Ironside
Weekend of Horrors - Michael Ironside

Michael Ironside

Weekend of Horrors - Bret Wagner 1
Weekend of Horrors - Bret Wagner 2
Weekend of Horrors - Bret Wagner 3

Brett Wagner

Weekend of Horrors - Ottaviano Dell'Acqua 1
Weekend of Horrors - Ottaviano Dell'Acqua 2
Weekend of Horrors - Ottaviano Dell'Acqua 3

Ottaviano Dell’Acqua

Weekend of Horrors - Max Laferriere 1
Weekend of Horrors - Max Laferriere 2
Weekend of Horrors - Max Laferriere 3

Max Laferriere

Weekend of Horrors - Tony Moran 1
Weekend of Horrors - Tony Moran 2
Weekend of Horrors - Tony Moran 3

Tony Moran

Weekend of Horrors - Melanie Kinnaman
Weekend of Horrors - Melanie Kinnaman
Weekend of Horrors - Melanie Kinnaman

Melanie Kinnaman

Weekend of Horrors - Matthew G Taylor
Weekend of Horrors - Matthew G Taylor
Weekend of Horrors - Matthew G Taylor

Matthew G Taylor

Weekend of Horrors - Camille Keaton
Weekend of Horrors - Camille Keaton
Weekend of Horrors - Camille Keaton

Camille Keaton

Weekend of Horrors - Shawn Roberts
Weekend of Horrors - Shawn Roberts
Weekend of Horrors - Shawn Roberts

Shawn Roberts

Weekend of Horrors - Addy Miller
Weekend of Horrors - Addy Miller
Weekend of Horrors - Addy Miller

Addy Miller

Weekend of Horrors - Summer Glau
Weekend of Horrors - Summer Glau
Weekend of Horrors - Summer Glau

Summer Glau

Weekend of Horrors - Warrington Gillette
Weekend of Horrors - Warrington Gillette
Weekend of Horrors - Warrington Gillette

Warrington Gillette

Weekend of Horrors - coming soon
Weekend of Horrors - coming soon
Weekend of Horrors - coming soon
Weekend of Horrors - coming soon
Weekend of Horrors - coming soon
Weekend of Horrors - coming soon
Weekend of Horrors - coming soon
Weekend of Horrors - coming soon
Weekend of Horrors Tickets
Weekend of Horrors Store
Weekend of Horrors Photoshoots