
Auf dem Weekend of Horrors kannst Du mit jedem der Stargäste ein Foto machen, dafür haben wir die Photoshoots.

Die Zeiten wann welcher Stargast sein Photoshoot macht findest Du im Programm und am Infostand.
Das Programm mit den Photoshoot Zeiten wird etwa eine Woche vor dem Event veröffentlicht.

Direkt im Anschluß an das Photoshoot bekommst Du dein Foto mit dem Stargast in DIN A4 / 20x30cm ausgedruckt und kannst es gleich mitnehmen.

Die Photoshoots sind die einzige Möglichkeit zusammen mit unseren Stargästen ein gemeinsames Foto zu machen !!!

Eine Übersicht der Photoshoot Preise findest Du hier:

Weekend of Horrors - Kenneth Cranham
Weekend of Horrors - Kenneth Cranham
Weekend of Horrors - Kenneth Cranham

Kenneth Cranham: Autogramm 30,- Euro | Photoshoot / Selfie 30,- Euro

Weekend of Horrors - Michael Ironside
Weekend of Horrors - Michael Ironside
Weekend of Horrors - Michael Ironside

Michael Ironside: Autogramm 40,- Euro | Photoshoot / Selfie 40,- Euro

Weekend of Horrors - Amber Midthunder
Weekend of Horrors - Amber Midthunder
Weekend of Horrors - Amber Midthunder

Amber Midthunder: Autogramm 55,- Euro | Photoshoot / Selfie 55,- Euro

Weekend of Horrors - Bret Wagner 1
Weekend of Horrors - Bret Wagner 2
Weekend of Horrors - Bret Wagner 3

Brett Wagner: Autogramm 30,- Euro | Photoshoot / Selfie 30,- Euro | Photoshoot in Costume 45,- Euro

Weekend of Horrors - Ottaviano Dell'Acqua 1
Weekend of Horrors - Ottaviano Dell'Acqua 2
Weekend of Horrors - Ottaviano Dell'Acqua 3

Ottaviano Dell’Acqua: Autogramm 30,- Euro | Photoshoot / Selfie 30,- Euro

Weekend of Horrors - Max Laferriere 1
Weekend of Horrors - Max Laferriere 2
Weekend of Horrors - Max Laferriere 3

Max Laferriere: Autogramm 30,- Euro | Photoshoot / Selfie 30,- Euro / Photoshoot in Costume 45,- Euro

Weekend of Horrors - Tony Moran 1
Weekend of Horrors - Tony Moran 2
Weekend of Horrors - Tony Moran 3

Tony Moran: Autogramm 30,- Euro | Photoshoot / Selfie 30,- Euro

Weekend of Horrors - Melanie Kinnaman
Weekend of Horrors - Melanie Kinnaman
Weekend of Horrors - Melanie Kinnaman

Melanie Kinnaman: Autogramm 35,- Euro | Photoshoot / Selfie 35,- Euro

Weekend of Horrors - Matthew G Taylor
Weekend of Horrors - Matthew G Taylor
Weekend of Horrors - Matthew G Taylor

Matthew G Taylor: Autogramm 30,- Euro | Photoshoot / Selfie 30,- Euro

Weekend of Horrors - Camille Keaton
Weekend of Horrors - Camille Keaton
Weekend of Horrors - Camille Keaton

Camille Keaton: Autogramm 35,- Euro | Photoshoot / Selfie 35,- Euro

Weekend of Horrors - Shawn Roberts
Weekend of Horrors - Shawn Roberts
Weekend of Horrors - Shawn Roberts

Shawn Roberts: Autogramm 35,- Euro | Photoshoot / Selfie 35,- Euro

Weekend of Horrors - Addy Miller
Weekend of Horrors - Addy Miller
Weekend of Horrors - Addy Miller

Addy Miller: Autogramm 30,- Euro | Photoshoot / Selfie 35,- Euro

Weekend of Horrors - Summer Glau
Weekend of Horrors - Summer Glau
Weekend of Horrors - Summer Glau

Summer Glau: Autogramm 45,- Euro | Photoshoot / Selfie 55,- Euro

Weekend of Horrors - Warrington Gillette
Weekend of Horrors - Warrington Gillette
Weekend of Horrors - Warrington Gillette

Warrington Gillette: Autogramm 40,- Euro | Photoshoot / Selfie 40,- Euro

Weekend of Horrors - Kathleen Kinmont
Weekend of Horrors - Kathleen Kinmont
Weekend of Horrors - Kathleen Kinmont

Kathleen Kinmont: Autogramm 35,- Euro | Photoshoot / Selfie 35,- Euro

Weekend of Horrors - Paul T Taylor
Weekend of Horrors - Paul T Taylor
Weekend of Horrors - Paul T Taylor

Paul T Taylor: Autogramm 30,- Euro | Photoshoot / Selfie 30,- Euro

Weekend of Horrors - Alex Vincent
Weekend of Horrors - Alex Vincent
Weekend of Horrors - Alex Vincent

Alex Vincent: Autogramm 35,- Euro | Photoshoot / Selfie 35,- Euro

Ian Mc Culloch: Autogramm 30,- Euro | Photoshoot / Selfie 30,- Euro

Al cliver: Autogramm 40,- Euro | Photoshoot / Selfie 40,- Euro

Clare Higgins: Autogramm 30,- Euro | Photoshoot / Selfie 30,- Euro

Weekend of Horrors Tickets
Weekend of Horrors Store
Weekend of Horrors Photoshoots